About us

What We Do

We want to improve mental health services for young people – and to encourage prevention as well as cure. We do this by advocating with politicians and policy-makers and by written submissions.

We work toward reducing risks for young people by advocating early intervention, more available counselling services, and programs to deal with issues like violence, substance abuse, stigma, unwanted pregnancies. We do this by advocating with politicians and policy-makers and by written submissions.

We work towards achieving our aims in collaborative partnerships of service providers, young people, parents and all others interested in mental health issues, for example the general public, all tiers of government, and professional organizations.

We sponsor orations, seminars and workshops, alone or in collaboration with other organisations.

We publish regular newsletters reporting important mental health information, and we promote collation of research evidence and identification of best practice models on this website as the basis for our advocacy and policies.

The philosophy underpinning our work is described in our “Programs & Policies” document which can be downloaded here.

Form or Join Project Groups
Be part of this group to have greater power to be heard and to change things for the better

Speak about issues that concern you such as gaps in services, things that shouldn’t have happened, or things that ought to happen but haven’t; to make a better quality of service…….
Help achieve better access to services & better co-ordination between services together we can…….

Project Groups:

Although we share a common voice with many other mental health organizations we are different because we do not limit ourselves to just one age group or issue, one professional discipline or one support base, but care about the whole spectrum of issues affecting the mental health of young people and their families

Become a Member

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